Intuition - Your Inner Compass

Have you ever had a feeling deep down, a hunch, a gut instinct telling you something important? That's your intuition at work. It's your higher consciousness gently guiding you along life's winding path.

Now, the question is, why should we pay attention to it? We're conditioned to rely on our logical, thinking mind for everything. It usually starts in school when we're taught to be rational and logical thinkers. Don't get me wrong; our minds, or egos, have their place. They're fantastic for problem-solving and critical thinking. But there's so much more to life when we learn to trust and listen to our internal intuition.

The root of much of our lifelong stress is the constant whirlwind of thoughts and worries that our minds create. When left idle, our minds love to conjure up all sorts of concerns and dramas, most of which never actually happen. This is where intuition steps in to help us navigate our path.

The mind is a master at creating potential dramas, even when none exist. Staying strong in your intuition allows you to stay present and relish every moment of life. Excessive worry and concern can take a toll on your health, contributing to long-term issues like depression, anxiety, and even physical health problems.

So, how do we help ourselves? There are plenty of tools we can use, things such as meditation to quiet the noisy mind, leisurely walks to connect with the world around us, mindfulness to stay grounded, and laughter to keep our spirits high. These are just a few ways to nurture our intuition and live a happier, healthier life.

With intuition as our guide, we can embrace the joy of living in the moment, free from the shackles of excessive worry and stress.

Stay guided and stay light from worry,

Steve Spiritboy

Steve Parker

Based in Cairns in Australia’s tropical north, Steve “Spiriboy’ Parker is a compassionate spiritual mentor and author, offering private Psychic Readings, Reiki Energy Healings and Spiritual Counselling & Development.

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