Finding Balance With Our Technology

Is Technology Ruling You?

Ever felt like your life is just a series of clicks, scrolls, and pings? It's not just you. We're all can be caught with the technology bug, hurtling through a digital blur. If we're honest with ourselves it can sometimes be a tad overwhelming.

Have you ever wondered when your life started revolving around that rectangular device in your hand or the computer screen? It's subtle, gradual, and almost unnoticeable until you realize your dinner partner is Instagram, Utube or another platform and not a person.

Maybe it’s time for you to have a reality check on all things tech. When was the last time you went two days without a computer or phone? We can always make excuses why we have to stay in contact with the digital world, but do we really need them to rule every minute of our waking day?

The Social Media Vortex is another way we can waste precious hours every day if we allow it. Who had what for breakfast, which movie star had an affair and all those other bits of news that can stop us interacting face to face with another person. I had to have a facebook and utube detox myself after I found I wasted hours every day scrooling through meaningless crap. I found myself almost hypnotised every morning until I limited myself to 10 minutes a day to check my posts and add friends. The same for the other platforms, we may need to step back and reclaim our life.

I find a lot of social media wasted time can add up and be spent in better ways such as catching up with family and friends in person, walking and enjoying nature, getting out the house or unit. There is so much out in the real world, it’s a shame we get locked in our homes or offices through technology, if we allow it.

What I found helpful were scheduling specific social media times and sticking to it, and turning off those notifications and get outside to breathe the fresh air.

Gaming Reality Check

I find in the younger generations many are fixed on gaming. It can be an addiction for many people and it eats into their waking hours to makes them miss that family dinner or social interaction with others. Maybe it’s time for a reality check. Set boundaries and schedule specific gaming times, and maybe, just maybe, venture into the world beyond the screen occasionally. For parents with kids consumed by gaming or computers, limit internet and phone times and try to get the family outside to play and have fun.

Digital Impact on Health

Staring at screens all day isn't great for the eyes or the soul. Take breaks, blink more, and maybe consider a screen-free weekend. Your physical and mental health will thank you. Other ways to get a break can be getting outside in nature, taking a stroll on the beach, or listening to a live music event. These are all great ways to help break the technology addiction.

Tech is here to stay, but it doesn't have to rule our life. Take charge, set our own rules, and liberate yourself from the digital whirlwind. Trust me; the world beyond the screen is more vibrant than you think. Parents please help your kids to experience life outside the screen otherwise they may turn out as couch potatoes and the physical health will suffer in the long run.

All the best with your detox, start off slow, but start.

Steve Spiritboy

Steve Parker

Based in Cairns in Australia’s tropical north, Steve “Spiriboy’ Parker is a compassionate spiritual mentor and author, offering private Psychic Readings, Reiki Energy Healings and Spiritual Counselling & Development.

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