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Energy Snatchers - How To Defend Against the Drainers!

Hi there, everyone! Let's chat about something you might not think about every day but totally affects us all in some way, shape, or form — energy protection. You know those days when you're around someone who's not doing great, and suddenly you feel like you've run a marathon, but you've barely moved? Yeah, that's what we're talking about, energy draining from other people.

When your energy's been swiped, and you're left wondering, "What just happened?" Well, let's talk about how we can protect against these energy vampires—the people and situations that suck the life force right out of us.

Ways You Can Get Drained

The Emotional Drainers: Picture this, someone always venting, complaining, or bringing a cloud of negativity wherever they go. Hanging with them is like playing a game of emotional tug-of-war, and guess who loses? You!

Sensitive people will often feel sick or worse around these drainers.

Conflict Cauldron: Step into the pot of conflict, and watch your energy evaporate. Arguments, disagreements, and drama are like wildfires—they spread fast and burn bright, leaving you emotionally scorched, angry and burnt.

Addictions and Addictive People: If you have an addiction that is affecting your life and wellbeing, this will certainly lower and deplete your energy. Work on them, seek help and steer towards a better time free of addictions.

Addictive or destructive people are another way we can lose track of our life. Certainly help others if they are open to it, but learn to have strong boundarys with these people.

How Do We Help Ourselves

We all know how draining it can be to be around Debbie Downer or Sickly Sam. These heavy draining energies they put out, can and will affect us if we allow them too. Often people who are down and depressed do not realise they do this but there will be others that will rob your energy blind if you let them.

So, what's the go with energy protection, you ask? Well, it's like putting on an invisible cloak that keeps your good vibes intact and shields you from the not-so-great stuff floating around you. You don't need to be a wizard; or a psychic, it's just a matter of setting some boundaries and creating your positive happy bubble.

Imagine your own personal aura energy field around you is like a superhero shield. Its protects you from lower vibrations and bad energy that can bring you down and even cause illness in the long term, if we allow it. We need to keep up our shield and not let others deplete it.

Now, you might be thinking, "How do I dodge these energy thieves?" Well, awareness is the first step. Identify the emotional drainers, navigate situations wisely, and steer clear of those that cause or seek conflict. And if you can't avoid them, remember your energy shield—visualize it, set those boundaries, and keep your vibes intact!

Here are some simple tricks to help you protect you energy. Stay still for a moment and visualize a strong force field around you, protecting you from the darts of the drainers. Others might prefer to say a little prayer, or even carry some protective crystals on them.

Affirmation is another form of protection that will help to keep these nasty energy away. Below is a affirmation that will help if you practice it regularly. You can adapt or change words as you need to.

"I am a guardian of my own energy. I attract positivity and repel negativity. I stand strong against energy drainers and surround myself with love, light, and uplifting vibes. My space is sacred, and I am in control of the energy that surrounds me. I choose joy, peace, and positive connections. I am resilient, and I radiate positivity effortlessly."

Remember the best way to avoid draining from those that bring us down, is to stay away from them as much as you can. You have a right to protect your energy and be happy. The choice is yours.

#EnergyVampires #PositiveEnergy #EnergyProtection #PositiveVibesOnly